Sunday, 7:30 PM BARK Net
​Our Berryessa Amateur Radio Klub has a net every Sunday evening at 7:30 PM for the purpose of providing information to members, making announcements, passing traffic, selling equipment, and anything else that may be of interest to the amateur radio community. Visitors are welcome to check in after the membership roll call.
Sunday 8:00 PM YL Net
BARK sponsors this net with discussion topics of interest to ladies. (In the ham abbreviation from Morse Code YL stands for Young Ladies, really all ladies.) This net often has world-wide check-ins using EchoLink. The structure is informal.
Monday 8:00 PM ARES Net
The Yolo Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net (Yolo ARES) allows local members to maintain their readiness to support local agencies in times of emergency. The net concludes with a practice message in the ICS-213 format. On the last Monday of the month this net meets on the N6QDY repeater.
Saturday 8:00 AM Emergency Communication Service Net
The net covers the Greater Sacramento Valley. Visitors are welcome after the roll-call.
Monday through Friday 7:00 AM Net
Every week-day morning, we hold an informal 'chat' meeting on our repeater. This is a way to keep up with local happenings of amateur radio and of community interest.