HOLIDAY PARADE 2024: BARK and Yolo ARES provided radio support on Main Street for the Woodland Holiday Parade, Dec. 14, Thirteen amateurs monitored corners along Main Street plus the Woodland Police Department. We experienced some radio problems which give us project work for improvements in early 2025. The after party at Darrell's KM6KFW was a hit. .
Nov. 16, 2024, Saturday Our Annual General Meeting was held on Nov. 16, 2024 We elected board members and adopted the revised corporation By-Laws..
Field Day, June 2024 In conjunction with YARS, ARES and the Sacramento ARC we held our 2024 Field Day at the Yolo County Fair Grounds in Woodland. We made contacts with hams in 25 states across the USA plus Alaska and Hawaii. Sacramento ARC provided a great dinner. The site proved to be very convenient and 'antenna friendly'. Ice and lunch were only a block away..
February Meeting 2024 Our usual quarterly Member Meeting was held Feb. 17. We reviewed finance, repeater maintenance and the disposition of donated equipment. Look for an added page at this site for the equipment.
HOLIDAY PARADE 2023: BARK and Yolo ARES provided radio support along Main Street for the Woodland Holiday Parade, We had operators at each intersection, motile wth the Parade Manager and at the Woodland Police Office. The message handling was efficient and greatly assisted the event. Afterwards we met at KM6KFW's home for an after=party.
Yolo County Field Day 2023 was a great success with two stations operating from 11: 00 AM Saturday, June 24 until 11:00 AM Sunday, June 25. Attend the YARS, Mt. Vaca Amateur Radio Club on July 11 for a complete report. We contacted 42 US states and two Canadian provinces. The Sacramento Amateur Radio Club provided a great dinner.
On Saturday, May 20, 2023 we visited the repeater site for vegetation control and power supply testing. Thanks to Carlos KN6ZVV for helping.
Our new BridgeCom Repeater has been received from factory repair. It is undergoing bench testing before being returned to service.
We are using our original Maggiore repeater originally from 1995. You can tell as it has voice announcements and announces each hour.
On May 13 we held our quarterly General Meeting in Woodland. No surprises. Our membership and finances are steady.
January, 2023. Early this month we a two day outage due to a PG&E power loss for nine days, during extended rain storm. Our battery and solar held up for seven days but could not cope with an extended cloud cover. Once the clouds lifted we were on the air within two hours.